Join Your Heart With Ours

Rest and receive the light

We are people, ages 18 to (95), looking for a personal connection with the Divine—one free from rules and formal religion. We want a sense of community, more joy in our lives, and wish to be of service during this time of radical change on our planet. The Great Council of the Grandmothers first appeared in 1996 as Sharon McErlane walked her dog. "The world is in grave danger," they said, "and we will not allow its destruction. For too long Yang or masculine energy, has dominated life on earth, causing feminine energy to become deficient and weak. We have come to restore Yin to full beauty/power and return the world to balance. We are calling you to this work."
To read more about how it started click here to order the books and to receive our Newsletter click here.
Hopi prophecy states, "When the wisdom of the Grandmothers is heard, the world will heal," and at last the Grandmothers have come. Today over 200 groups meet around the world to spread their message and teach people how to work with the Net of Light. "The Net of Light," the Grandmothers say, "supports everything in the Universe and will hold the earth steady during the times of change that are upon you now. Work with the radiant Net," they urge, "to support life." We gladly spread their message and charge no money for this work. For the past twenty years we’ve worked with the Net of Light and have taught others how to do this too. We were therefore thrilled when scientists “discovered” the Net of Light or Cosmic Web in 2014 while peering through the Hubble Telescope.
Sharon McErlane

Our featured videos below explain what we do

You have a chance to do important work, to be a part of something that makes a difference in this world. You can participate in holding the earth and cradling life.

(Our Love Is Our Power: 3, 33)

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Our Beacon-Hostesses Around the World

Beacon-Hostesses? What are they ? They are persons who serve by holding the Net of Light steady wherever they are and teach others. Beacons perform selfless service for the earth and all beings. Some hold meetings to share the Grandmothers’ inspiring messages, others are available for information and to pass on the Grandmothers’ Empowerment into the energy of Yin . Beacon-Hostesses charge no money for their service, but give freely from their hearts. As the Grandmothers say, “They are a walking blessing upon the earth.” If you resonate to this work and would like to become a “Beacon-Hostess” on the Net of Light, please contact us.

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"The greatest use you can make of our message is to live it," the Grandmothers declare, and so Sharon recorded their teachings and put them into written form.
A Call to Power: the Grandmothers Speak, Our Love Is Our Power, and Casting the Net are written in such a way that the reader shares in the adventure, personally learning from these wise elders.

The books are also available in these languages: Dutch, French, German, Lithuanian, Norwegian, and Slovenian. click here to find out where to buy them.

A Call to Power - The Grandmothers Speak: Recounts the author's encounters with these wise women and the powerful message they bring. "Earth has suffered too long from an excess of yang and insufficient yin," the Grandmothers say. "We have come to correct this." The Grandmothers take the reader on a wild ride; expanding her perception, her understanding of life. The book reveals the exciting and sometimes shocking ways the Grandmothers teach.
Our Love Is Our Power: Continues the adventure. ”The readers’ sense of self is stretched further.” The reader learns how to work with the Net of Light or Cosmic Web, learns how to become a "walking blessing upon the earth."
Casting the Net: Takes the author and the reader beyond time and space. The Grandmothers teach how to work with the ancestors of the light as well as with the spirits of the earth. This magnifies the power of the Net of Light across time—healing the past as well as the present. The reader directly experiences the Fabric of Being that cradles the cosmos and when this happens, the spiritual maxim, "We are One," becomes no longer a saying, but a living truth.
“Now is the time for the Mother of All to return to Earth,” the Grandmothers say. "Life does not have only a father, but a mother too so you need to learn who The Mother is, who this missing parent is. And how will you know Her,” they ask, “unless you understand who it is you are looking for?” Return of the Mother: Return to Love, guides the reader to The Mother .