Rhyme and Reason

Rhyme and Reason

I went to the Grandmothers who pointed and showed me piles of fabric that were circled around me, softly enfolding me. “Let us hold you,” they said as they wrapped me and held me close. “Rest next to us,” they said, “and we will give you peace. We are surrounding you now, cradling and holding you close. Rest quietly and let us carry you. We will take care of everything,” they said, “so let go of striving now. Let go of worry. Let go of struggle, and let us carry you.”

I exhaled deeply when I heard this and did as they asked. Now I was looking out on the world from a cradle on their backs. “I can see everything from here,” I said in surprise, “and as I look out at the world, it looks orderly! It’s carefully and beautifully patterned! There’s no violence anywhere,” I marveled. “This world isn’t dirty, it’s not neglected. It’s clean, nature is thriving. This isn’t what I’m used to, Grandmothers. Here everything is perfect—and every bit of it is part of a pattern. Actually,” I said as I looked closer, “it’s an intricate set of patterns, there’s an interweaving of patterns. This world that I’m looking at is perfectly thought out. It’s not random or accidental—not in any way. It’s a fully comprehensive design. A perfect whole! I’ve never seen anything like this.

“And I’m a part of this pattern too,” I said, gasping in surprise. “I fit into it perfectly. There is no flaw in the design of this world. There’s no flaw in it and there’s no flaw in me. I can hardly believe what I’m seeing,” I whispered. “I’ve never imagined anything like this. There are grid lines here, sectioning and holding various parts of this design,” I said. And as I continued to study it, I realized that over all it looked like a cityscape. Certain parts of this pattern reminded me of the inside of an orange, others of a pomegranate. Some shapes were like seeds or citrus sections. Different patterns were everywhere and each was lined up in a different way—beautiful colors and textures next to each other, each in their perfect place. There was both rhyme and reason here. And so much beauty. “This world has been perfectly thought out!!!” I said, stunned by the perfection that lay before me.

“What is this that am I seeing here?” I asked the Grandmothers. “This is not the world as I have understood it.” “No,” the Grandmothers said. “This, that you are seeing now is the underlying pattern of life. Life is not random, accidental or pointless,” they declared, and as I looked back at the perfection of the place I was seeing, I had to agree with them. “This world you are showing me is what’s real, isn’t it, Grandmothers?” I said. “Yes,” they answered, nodding and and smiling sweetly. “Remember this,” they said. “Remember what is real.”

“What lies underneath is very different from what often shows up on the surface,” I mused to myself, and the Grandmothers nodded in understanding.


Grandmothers at Westerbeke Ranch

At last week’s Net of Light Gathering in Sonoma, California, we accomplished what we set out to do. We laid the foundation for the four international Gatherings which will follow and together we achieved a state of Grand Union—with each other, with the Divine, Nature, the Ancestors of our family lines, and the Ancestors of the land. We moved into Oneness, grateful for what we were able to achieve together.

We we asked the participants, “What stands out for you about this Net of Light Gathering?” and here are a few responses.

—“Our resolve and purpose to do the greatest good for all beings was strengthened at this Gathering.

—Connection with the Grandmothers was powerful. And as we came together from all corners of the world, the strengthening of the Net of Light was palpable.

—We formed a cohesive family

— We shared so generously with each other, our ancestors, this place, and the world that there was great Love and Beauty.

—I felt oneness with everyone.

—When we shared what we are learning and what is learning us, I felt myself expanding.

—I am waking up and realizing who I truly am now. I’m recognizing the Divine light in us all and this awareness is my life’s work.

— Open-hearted love toward one another. Through the 3 days of the Gathering I felt more and more opening, and on the last day there were NO barriers.”

We are very grateful for all of you who worked with us over the weekend of June 9-11 to achieve this Grand Union.

May all the Beings in all the words be happy.

The Net of Light Team