“When the Wisdom of the Grandmothers is Heard,  the World Will Heal” – Native American prophecy

“When the Wisdom of the Grandmothers is Heard,  the World Will Heal” – Native American prophecy
“We, the Grandmothers have spoken,” the Grandmothers said as they gazed fixedly at me/us. “Have you heard us?
“We came to you twenty-five years ago and we’ve continued to come because the earth is in trouble. Life on Earth is hanging in the balance now,” they said, “and we have called you to work with us, to hold your planet steady. Many of you have responded to our call,” they said, “but others are still ‘asleep at the switch,’ pretending that things are not as bad as they seem.” Cocking their heads in puzzlement, they asked, “What will it take to wake you?
“We have spoken to you through our books: A Call to Power: The Grandmothers Speak, Our Love Is Our Power, Casting the Net, and Return of the Mother. We have spoken through our On-Line Teachings, our songs, videos and messages. We have not given up on you, not ever,” they said,shaking their heads, “nor will we. But you must do your part. Do not miss this chance,” they said, holding me/us with a powerful gaze. “You can help each-other, you can help save your planet. This chance will not come again,” they said.
“Earth Herself is in grave danger now. Human beings have poisoned Her air, Her soil, and degraded Her environment to the point that all life is now threatened. Native American prophecy states, “When the Wisdom of the Grandmothers is Heard, the World Will Heal,” they said. “But you think of this as ‘just a saying,’” they rolled their eyes in disgust. “No!” they cried, “this prophecy is true. This,” they emphasized, “is why we have come.
“Wake up!” they cried. “Listen and follow our teachings. What we have asked you to do is simple, and yet it is so powerful that it will redeem life on Earth. What in the world are you waiting for?” they asked me/us. “You were born for this. Begin now by working with the Net of Light.”
At this time the Grandmothers are giving us something else to do in addition to working with the Net of Light. New work. “Within the power and reach of the radiant Net of Light,” they said, “you will work intensively with Nature. We will teach you how to learn from Her.Nature knows how to bring your planet back into harmony,” they said, and I took in a breath when I heard this. “We are asking you to follow Her now and learn.”
Last March, at Joshua Tree National Park, the Grandmothers gave us a template for connecting intensively with Nature. “This,” they said, “is the pathway that is open to you now. Because life on Earth is in danger, you MUST let Nature lead.” We agreed with them, followed their instructions and went on to anchor that template there in the desert of Southern California. And last weekend, this template was again anchored—this time at the Grandmothers’ Gathering in the mountains of Georgia. This new way of working with Nature is now ready to start spreading throughout the Earth.
At the next Grandmothers’ on-line teaching on June 5 at 1 pm., Pacific Time, we will begin this process and share how you can also work with this template. During that teaching and the following one on July 3, we will give each of you a powerful set of tools to use and your own team to work with. Nature will then lead as you learn what it’s like to learn from Her.
We experienced tremendous power and joy as we did this work, so we are happy to share it. Please begin now to cast the Net of Light everywhere there is a need for its radiant support. And as you do this, connect with Mother Earth, the elemental spirits of Earth, and the five elements of Earth—air, water, fire, earth itself, and ether(space). And always ask, “May all the Beings in all the Worlds be Happy.” Start this now.We hope to see you on Sunday, June 5.
For information on the June 5 and July 3 teaching, go to grandmothersspeak.com or netoflight.org.
Sharon & the Net of Light team