Why are most people who come to your work white?

Why are most people who come to your work white?

October 21, 2023 Newsletter

I went to the Grandmothers, asking for a message, and was surprised when this question came out of my mouth. “Grandmothers,” I asked, “why are the most people who come to your work white?”

“They are the ones who most need this work,” they answered. “Western nations, those originating in Europe, have, for many years been cut off from Nature, cut off from the Divine, from one another, and from themselves. For far too long, their culture has separated them from the Source of Life. We have come to reconnect them. 

“A version of life that says, ‘You are alone in the world, you are unworthy, a sinner who must suffer,’ creates lonely people, people who don’t feel connected to the Source or to one another. And this ‘separation conditioning’ marks white people, people whose ancestors originated in Europe, much more than it does other cultures. 

“This version of life has caused damage,” they said.  “Damage to those originating in Europe, and damage to those who lived in the lands of the new world before Europeans came. When they immigrated, white settlers took with them this sense of separation, so everywhere they settled, they treated the lands and people as something to conquer and control. Something unconnected to themselves. They didn’t respect the original peoples but tried to destroy their cultures while taking control of their land, and it felt right to do this because they saw themselves as ‘separate from (and better than), not connected to these places and people.

“Because of this legacy and the sense of separation that created it, white people have further to go to reclaim their oneness with all beings. Therefore, we have called many of them to this work. We teach everyone how to return to Source and how to rediscover joy with one another.

“Earlier,” the Grandmothers explained,  “when you asked this question, you perceived only part of our answer. You quickly understood that immigrants from Europe harmed and destroyed indigenous cultures and therefore, white people have work to do now to repair this damage. That lesson is obvious. However, what you did not realize is how wounded these settlers from Europe were, how lonely and disconnected they  were. They came to the new world believing they were separate from nature, from God, from one another and from themselves They had no understanding of how to connect with others who seemed different from themselves and rejected them.

“Today, white people are drawn to our work because they are the ones who most need it. They need to connect to the Net of Light. And because the time for separation on Earth is over now,”  the Grandmothers declared, “it is time for this connection. 

“We, the Great Council of the Grandmothers have come for this purpose,” the Grandmothers said, “ and if you are reading this now, you have heard our call. There is great and powerful work for us to do at this time, and all people are welcome to join us. Blacks, reds, yellows, browns, whites— all are welcome,”  they said,  “and all are needed.”


Letter and Poem from Wales, 
Net of Light Gathering

With deep gratitude to those who attended the gathering in Wales these words have flown into my awareness. We were received by the sacred waters of lake, falls, wells, rivers, streams, heavens rain and sea. We received from those waters and we gave the Net of Light to those waters. We lit a fire, despite the winds and rain and she burned bright. Breathing her fire to the bones and earth of Wales in the Westerly direction of Mona (Anglesey), love was cast to the ancestors who once held these sacred lands in love and perished for their love. In ceremony with sisters and brothers around the world, “We are sorry, Please forgive us, Thank you, We love you.”

In healing legacy of this gathering, another chapter to heal the Isles of Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England complete, I offer this haiku and these words. Maybe in time they shall become a song and dance when we gather next. They represent these times of war within and without, Mother Earth’s pain and suffering and the pain of transition I feel personally and witnessed with you all in Wales. Let the winds of change and fire of suffering, breathe this love.


Cast to the waters
Let the winds of fire breathe this love
Sending net of light.

The call of the Dragons wish it be known
I cast with love to the waters of the world
I cast with love to the waters of the world
Let the winds of fire breathe this love
Let the winds of fire breathe this love
May this love now travel the earth
May this love now travel the earth
Let the winds of fire breathe this love
Let the winds of fire breathe this love
With the Net of Light I send it now
With the Net of Light I send it now
Let the winds of fire breathe this love
Let the winds of fire breathe this love
With the Net of Light I send it now.

With love to your hearts