Strengthening the Global Net of Light Family

Strengthening the Global Net of Light Family

As the energy changes on Earth continue to build, many of us feel a longing welling up inside us, a desire to help more, to give more, to love more. We want ‘more.’ We yearn for more depth in our connection with the Divine, with one another, and with the Net of Light family all over the Earth. We want to help Mother Earth—and help one another.

When I asked the Grandmothers about this, they cut right to the chase. “From where you stand,” they said, “anchor the Net of Light deep, and strengthen the Fabric of Being of the Universe that stretches between you.” “That stretches between us?” I asked, but they waved my words away. “You can do this,” they answered. “You are JUST the ones to do this!

“You, as a group, can do more to help at this time, and ‘more’ is what is needed. We ask you to meet together and ask, ‘Who wants to take part in this coming together? Who has the interest? The time for it? The willingness to move forward as a group?” Shaking their heads, the Grandmothers said, “Only volunteer for this, if you want to give it time and attention. Together you will strengthen the Family of Light and create a group of leaders to carry our work further.

“It’s time now to work for the All,” they said.

  •  Being present for one another will help each of you stay steady during the times that are coming.
  • Working with each other and each of your places on Earth
  • Working with the water, land, air, and energy in each place
  • Working with the people who live on all areas of the Earth
  • Working with the issues of all these places—famine, drought, strife, selfishness, etc.

All of this will bless the Earth. And it will bless you.”

We at Net of Light are now at work on a practical way to make this happen—a way for all of us to connect as we support one another. We will let you know as soon as we figure out the best way to do this. But in the meantime, we will start sharing projects and ideas that some Net of Light family members are focusing on so you can begin right now to support them through the Net of Light.

Letter from the Gold Coast of Australia:

Since learning about the Grandmothers request to come together more all over the Earth, I have spent much time with them asking how to participate.

Each country and region of the world has particular pain and suffering to negotiate and learn from. For example, we in Australia are conducting a referendum later in the year asking for a Yes or No vote to give our First Peoples a Voice in Parliament so their opinions can be heard on how to best resolve problems specific to them. This came from a meeting of 200 clans at Uluru (Ayers Rock) in 2019 called “The Uluru Statement from the Heart.”

These people show great resolve, respect, and grace in all their discussions.  There’s a beautiful example of Deep Listening in their request to belong and be heard. And, if we are honest, this what we all desire—to belong, to be heard, to participate in the ever-evolving world, to love, be loved and grow. One family, One community, living in the One Love.

Compared to what is occurring world wide, we Aussies are blessed with a peaceful existence and feel great gratitude. Of course we each have our personal trials, but this can put us in a position to be steady and grounded as we offer our Love to the Net of Light.  As the Grandmothers say, our real strength is in our connection with one another, (the facia that holds humanity together).

It is my desire to hold sacred space for all Light workers, all care givers, all compassionate hearts who make a difference even though they may never see it. For all who choose to work quietly without acknowledgment.

By coming together to support others, a state of Grace can prevail to further empower all those who offer Selfless Service. These people, mostly women, are often seen as strong, self contained and not needing support. Yet they benefit personally from being held in light, and the radiant Light that then flows from them can reach further, wider and deeper. They need and deserve our support and I am committed to holding these silent servers in the light.

Just sharing a little weaving of my contemplations.
