“Oh Grandmothers, we are Holding”

“Oh Grandmothers, we are Holding”
Healing ‘the Sacred Isles’ of Britain
3rd November 8pm – 9.30pm GMT
The Net of Light family is inviting you to connect to a healing ceremony for “the Sacred Isles” of the UK and Ireland, led by Jackie Singer of the UK. This 90-minute ceremony will include a Net of Light meditation, followed by a deep anchoring ceremony into the earth, and is timed to coincide with the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26).
Jackie notes that the UN Climate Change Conference set to open this coming week seems to be bringing on an Awakening in these British Isles.
At this powerful time, the Net of Light family in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland is planning a Zoom ceremony to light up the land and invite healing between the different parts of these lands where there has been historical violence and continuing resentment.
Explains Jackie, “Part of this healing includes reparations in places where deep trauma has occurred, notably in Scotland and in Ireland, where the English as colonial invaders and rulers have perpetrated atrocities on men, women and the sacred. Part of our disconnect from the sacred land comes from this violent removal of men and women from their homes. Many Scots and Irish people fled or were ‘cleared’ to the ‘New World’, or sent to Australia and New Zealand, where the trauma was handed down to the indigenous peoples there.”
After the online meditation, the zoom attendees will be invited to take something to the land itself, to anchor the energy of the work through planting a physical object in a place that is held dear.
All members of the Sacred Isles Net of Light community are welcome to the Zoom aspect of this event. (Contact Jackie for zoom invitation: sacredislesbeacons@gmail.com)
If you are in another place, you are encouraged to tune in, take your place on the Net of Light and ask the Grandmothers to hold the whole of the Sacred Isles and all the surrounding small islands, in light, love and unity. If the Grandmothers show you places where there is particular need of healing and mending, please focus the light there. 
We encourage you to work with your local Net of Light family to create ceremony in support of this work. The timing is 8:00-9:30 p.m. GMT, although tuning in through intention can happen anytime. (Clickhere to convert to your local time should you wish to tune-in in real time.)
Thank you all who are committed to hold in love as this blessed work is done.