February 23, 2021 – Your spirit knows its home and its home is in expansion.”

February 23, 2021 – Your spirit knows its home and its home is in expansion.”

“Your spirit knows its home and its home is in expansion.”

I was feeling at loose ends, wondering what work I should do next with the Grandmothers. They’d kept me so busy recently that not having a ‘job’ to do felt a bit disorienting to me. I asked the Grandmothers what work I should do but they didn’t respond. So, since I had some free time, I joined in with a Net of Light group meeting on Zoom. Soon the leader asked the group, “Shall we read a bit?” and picked up Our Love Is Our Power, the Grandmothers’ second book. She randomly opened it to page 86 and I listened as one after another, the group read. Here `is what I heard.
“In order to build a reservoir of power,” the Grandmothers said, “you must spend time in silence and there, in the stillness of your heart, turn toward presence. Simply breathe in presence,” they directed.  “It is in your feet, it is in and on your skin.  It is your own divine self.  You can feel it in your hair and on your shoulders. It’s everywhere. You hold presence and are held by it. And as you focus on it, you will grow in power.”  Then they added, “If we are to work through you, the presence within you must increase…..
“There is nothing you must say about any of this,” they said, “nor is there anything you must do. We remind you to simply move into silence and live in presence. That is it.  Although the focus of our work is not specifically on action,” the Grandmothers said, “sometimes action will be called for. And though our work is not accomplished through words,” they said, “sometimes words must be spoken.  Real work is done by being,” they emphasized, “not by doing. Instead of just talking and acting, move into the power of silence and once there, open to the vibration of presence.
“Your mind wants to control things, because of its need,” the Grandmothers said, “it wants to be busy but your spirit wants to be free. It doesn’t want to cling.  Your spirit knows its home,” they said, nodding gently, “and its home is in expansion. The expansion of your heart will give you the greatest joy of your life. The heart cannot be expanded when it’s in a static and controlled environment” they said….  “So, let go of all that now, and move into the still point within yourself. Move into the power of silence.”  And smiling benignly, the Grandmothers said, 
“We will meet you there.”  
Page 86-87, Our Love Is Our Power, Sharon McErlane
If I ask the Grandmothers for what I need or ‘think’ I need, they will give it to me. Always. Their answer rarely appears the way I imagine it will, but it comes. Here, the answer came to me through my grandmother-sisters who were simply reading together. Reading about silence, about sitting quietly with the presence. Reading about not doing, but being….  Simply allowing myself to receive.
Thank you, Grandmothers, for the answer.
For more information on working with the Net of Light, or about the return of the Divine Feminine, explore this website.
~ The Net of Light Team ~

Art: Tom Sanchez