How is this Work Different?

How is this Work Different?
A few days after the Net of Light Gathering at Joshua Tree in California, I was feeling a warm sense of unity inside me which made me go to the Grandmothers with a question.  “Grandmothers,” I said, “several people at the Gathering mentioned how different this work feels from other things they’ve done in the past and now I’m having a ‘different‘ feeling too.  Would you please tell us?” I asked.   “How is this work with you different from other forms of spiritual work?”
“We understand,” they said, “and the answer is — it’s the Net of Light.  It’s the Net of Light that’s made the difference.  >From all the work you’ve done with the Net of Light, you’ve learned a few things,” the Grandmothers said.  “You’ve learned that you are one.  And now you know what ‘oneness’ really means. ‘Oneness’ is no longer just an expression to you, but a state of being … a state you’ve experienced.  You can say it because you’ve been there.”  They laughed together and added, “That’s what you’re feeling now.
“Because of the solid connection you’ve built with the Net of Light, you’ve come to recognize that everything you do to benefit yourself actually ends up benefitting everyone.  You know now that it’s not possible for you to take a step forward without taking everyone along with you.  Each time your heart opens, every heart opens, and because of your deep connection with the Net of Light, at every minute you are linked to all of life-everywhere.  There is no limit.  Your reach has become vast.
“The Path of Light is now more fully lit,” the Grandmothers announced, nodding their heads firmly up and down.  “The way is becoming clearer and clearer.  You’ve done good work,” they smiled.  “So…have courage as you go forward now,” they said. “Take heart. Remember … you are God’s hands, mouths and love in action here on Earth.
“Power, power!” they chanted.
“Our Love is Our Power.”   

The Gathering at Joshua Tree anchored the Net of Light in the Southwestern part of the United States and in our hearts as well. The next anchoring point will be at Binna Burra (the Mother Mountain) in eastern Australia on July 3-6.  We will keep you posted on these important events as they unfold so you can work with us.