No One Is So Special that the Net of Light Will Not Work Through Them. |
~ Note from Sharon
I received something this morning and I want to pass it on to you. I was reflecting on the state of the world, the daily bombardment of bad news: Stalin being celebrated as a hero, animals being tortured in Indonesia, politicians lying and cheating in new, creative ways — the usual thing. But as all of that ran through my mind, suddenly I became aware of something else. Something beautiful, light and potent was trying to get my attention.
So I sat down, called on the Grandmothers and waited. I didn’t have to wait very long. Soon warmth and light began to download into and through me, running inside my body/mind and then outward from me to all the ‘horrors’ that had been coming to my mind. Light began to flood me, and flood all those beings and situations too. It was instantaneous.
I sat with my palms up to receive, saying ‘yes’ to the good that was just waiting to pour into me and pour in, it did. Wow! What a response! It was flooding though me to the animals in Indonesia, to all those grasping politicians, to every crack and crevice on our planet. An instant downloading and flood of light. And I just sat there and received. I was the plug in the wall and the current was flowing.
Whatever I thought of received light, healing, and blessing. It came to me then to think of all the places I’d ever lived and of the Net of Light anchoring there, so I did that. I thought of Indiana, Boston, Italy, and California and then I thought of all the places I’ve ever traveled to in order to anchor those places too. This was a long list and as I thought of the Net of Light anchoring and blessing each of these places tears began to course down my cheeks, down pouring along with the light as the list went on. On and on.
Then I thought of the animals, those that are still with us and those that are no longer here on earth. As I sat there on the couch I let all this light pour into and then out from me to every living thing. Why not? At this point I was fully plugged into the Source and the flow was constant.
I sat like this for maybe ten minutes. That’s all, but I can still feel the grace of what happened. I was allowed to be a vessel for love and the grace of that experience is still with me. I’m still crying, but these are tears of joy. I’m so grateful to be a vessel like this, a vessel for love in a love-starved world. And I want to remind you that you too are such a vessel. If you ask to let love in, ask the Net of Light to flow through you to a love-starved world, it will.
Here is something you may wish to remember. Once the Grandmothers told me, “No one is so special that the Net of Light will not work through them.” Believe me, it’s true.
According to science, the Net of Light is the largest living construct in the Universe. It anchors light throughout the cosmos and is presently holding our planet steady. There are several Net of Light Gatherings coming up to help anchor the Net of Light all over the world. You can register for a Gathering in Ireland, the Netherlands, Pennsylvania or Northern California. If you’d like to join us at a Gathering, go to the events page of And if you’d like to join a regional group or start one yourself and learn how to work with the Net of Light, please contact us.
To hold the earth steady during these most unsteady times, we spread the Grandmothers’ message and teach others how to work with the Net of Light. This we do as service so there is no charge.
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Call to Lightworkers
to Strengthen the Net of Light Holding the Earth
Ancient culture foretold a time when God the Mother would return to Earth.
This is that time.
If you feel called to be part of this return, gather with us to integrate the power of the Feminine Principle back into our beloved planet. We have waited a long time for this moment and we welcome you to help anchor the Mother’s return.
The Grand Mothers say, “Only those we call to this work will respond.” So if the Grandmothers are calling you, come. We will gather together to amplify the power and reach of the Net of Light. Our purpose is Selfless Service to all life, to the planet itself, and to the spirits of the Ancestors. Please join us.
2019 Net of Light Gatherings
Registrations are open for all events listed below