Online Earth Balance Response

Online Earth Balance Response

Event Details

This event finished on 21 April 2021

This is very important work, and these meetings are sacred. We are asking for your full commitment, both in terms of your presence in the now-moment and in keeping up with the meetings every two weeks until we conclude them. 
We are grateful and humbled by the enormous heart-felt response of you all to this work! And we honor your commitment and presence in these ceremonies for our beloved planet. 
How to join us on Wednesday : 
CLICK HERE to go to our youtube channel, then click on the scheduled live stream
(no need to click on the subscribe button)At the time of the event it will say  LIVE NOW (keep refreshing the screen and click on the video)
These events are Live-Streamed and recorded for later viewing

When : The 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at :

10 a.m. Pacific daylight savings time  (Los Angeles, Seattle etc.)

19:00 Central European Time (Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland etc.)

18:00 GMT (UK , Ireland) only on March 17th

Monday,  at 03:00 (3am) Brisbane, Australia

For your local time, please click  Here for Time Converter and type in your city

Duration :  maximum of 30 min.

Artwork: Wyn Haythornthwaite